
The super match!

The finals are here and you have to try and get ready to encourage your favorite players of the sport. The game which is unique to the United States is liked by many and watch by many even though they do not play in their own countries all over the globe. The top of the happenings here ends at the superbowl, the greatest trophy of the country and the game of American football. When the schedule of the sport is announced people get together to brainstorm as to which team will be the winner of the trophy and who would be the owner of the crown this year.

The wait is over!

For those who are waiting with bated breaths, the wait is over and the finals are here and will be conducted in Miami at the hard rock stadium on the 2nd of February. The schedule which is followed all through the year, end with the top trophy and the winner becomes the hero. There are many such teams that have won the trophy for several years in a row.

You have a choice!

When it comes to deciding on who is going o win the match, the fans have a choice and they can put their bitcoin on their favorites. The superbowl in February will decide who wins it and who is going to be crowned at the hard rock stadium in Miami and you can keep your fingers crossed on that.